Built with NETHRA91
Over 100,000 people around the world use Nethra-BT services to launch startups, develop company projects, and acquire creative skills through our knowledge base.
Learn About Our CompanyWe build technologies that help people create their own applications, speed up development speed, save times and grow their businesses.
Nethra91 Top Stories
Web Development
Our developer-friendly products and services empower you to build, secure, and deliver enterprise-grade applications faster — for any platform, including Python Django, Core PHP, and Laravel.
Increase your web traffic with intelligent routing and SEO-optimized HTML code.
Android / iOS
We offer multiple front-end frameworks to fit your specific needs.
Our Projects
NETHRA91: Empowering Your Enterprise with Cutting-Edge Software Solutions. We have developed powerful, secure, and enterprise-grade solutions tailored to meet your needs, ensuring both high performance and reliability with our software expertise.
Streamlining Schools with ERP 2.0
School ERP Process Version 2Global Tech Speaking with Asian Branch
Click2callVersatile Deployment Solutions for All
Emal Flyer ServicesSupervision for corporate‑owned devices.
APP Message (Android / IOS)Built with
Over 1 million people around the world use NETHRA91 services to launch startups, develop company projects, and acquire creative skills through our knowledge base.
0 +
Every month, there are over
9K server traffic requests.
There are more
then 100,000 users.
0 +
More then
18+ products.
Our Client Projects
Celestial Web Solutions: Delivering Enterprise-Grade Web Excellence with NETHRA-BT We have already built powerful solutions to meet your needs, Secure, Custom UI/UX. Our Powerful Solutions for Enterprise-Grade Web Applications
23,2nd Cross Street,2nd Floor, Gopal Colony,
Agaram, Chennai, Tamilnadu
Pin: 600082
Mobile: +91 - 9025599991
Office: +91 - 44 - 35657303
WhatsApp: +91 - 8637471064
Email: [email protected]